
NNFE Conducts New Strategic Plan and Compiling Work for 2017 source: Release time:2017-09-19 Return list
         To better promote the “global first-class comprehensive asset management platform” building, comprehensively construct a value investment management system, accelerate the implementation of the integrated business mode layout of “investment + investment bank”, the corporation will formulate a strategic development plan of “three years in plan and one year in focus”,according to the corporation’s strategic performance management system. Through research, NNFE decides to comprehensively carry out the 2017-2019 company development strategic plan and the 2017 overall budget compiling work. In addition, a team will be founded to fulfill related work.

         The contents compiled in the strategic development plan needs to combine macro-economic situation, international finance situation, industry development trends and market insight. The plan assembles the development and investment directions, environment and mode, customer needs in six industries, which gives an in-depth analysis on the current development situation of the corporation and the strategic guiding ideologies, development ideas, development route maps, development objectives, development tactics, action plan and implementation plan of the corporation in the three years ahead.

         Various divisions of the corporation shall sort the 2017-2019 industrial and business strategic plan and focus on the 2017 business development direction, business objective, ecological mode and implementation plan and son on, based on the principles of plan first, systematic thinking, in connection with reality, and distributed implementation”, according to the Compiling Mode for the Business Strategic Development Plan of Division.

         An official discussion on the compiling will be carried out in Rylinwon Resort Spar hotel Beijing in Shunyi District on Nov. 19, 2016 and please notice the follow-up related report.
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